The Project

In 2017 Hull became a city of culture.
But what does that mean?
To you?
To the people who live there?
To the people that have lived there?
To Hullians, past and present?

This website began as a means of capturing and documenting Wayne Steven Jackson's PhD research. His thesis explores the possibility of staging autobiographical remembering in order to empower the renegotiation of a city’s sense of place. Through this website, a series of workshops, and a final performance, his research aimed to recollect the city of Hull from the position of its people, asking you to share those moments that are important only to you, so that they can be remembered. Memories of the river, the ports, the parks, of the centre and the outskirts, the schools, bars, clubs, restaurants, of the ten-foots and the cream telephone boxes. Memories of the political and the personal, the comedic and the tragic, the public and the private. Memories of buildings that are no longer there, or those that are now abandoned and unused; those ghosts that inhabit the city’s forgotten spaces. Memories of the day-to-day, the mundane, the ordinary; those precious snippets of the past that form the very notion of what the city is to you.

During 2016 memories of Hull were explored further in a series of five workshops throughout the city. They included stories about taxi queues and Bomb Buildings, donkey stoning and fishing boats, frozen pop and chudding. These memories were celebrated, brought out of the past, through acts of remembering, to become part of the functioning and celebrated present. The project culminated in a performance that actively remembered Hull within and amongst the 2017 City of Culture celebrations, respecting those memories of Hull that mould and reform it into the city that is today, was yesterday, and will be tomorrow.

You are invited to continue the legacy of this exciting project by sharing your most significant memories of Hull via this website's Map of Memories.

Humber Bridge
Humber Street
Boothferry Park
The Docks
The Villages